5 Important IT Service Questions Every Healthcare Practice Should Know

Introduction: "Practice blind trust with IT services? Remember to 'Trust but verify.' Don't just pay the bills, make sure you're getting proper care. Many IT companies prioritize billing over comprehensive care."

  1. How often do you change your server password? The security of your patient's information is paramount. Changing your server password frequently can help prevent unauthorized access and protect your data from bad actors.
  2. If your backup drive gets disconnected or unplugged, how long does it take for the IT people to fix it? In case of a data loss, the ability to recover patient data quickly is essential. Knowing the response time of your IT service can help you make sure that data can be restored promptly and with minimal disruption.
  3. Does anyone from IT contact you if you enter the wrong password too many times? IT professionals should keep an eye out for potential security breaches, such as multiple incorrect password attempts. Monitoring for such events can help ensure compliance with regulations and prevent unauthorized access to patient information.
  4. Do you get regular reports (at least every few months) about your computer security, like antivirus software, windows updates, and email protection? Regular reports for security measures can help ensure that your IT infrastructure is secure and compliant with regulatory requirements. It can also help identify vulnerabilities and take necessary steps to strengthen your defenses.
  5. Are your backups up to date, and do you get regular reports (every day, week, or month) to make sure they're okay? Backups are critical for a healthcare practice in the event of a data loss or system failure. Regularly verifying the backups' integrity can help ensure that patient data can be restored quickly and with minimal disruption in the event of a disaster or system failure.

Conclusion: Requesting regular reports or evidence of the work your IT service is doing to ensure your IT systems are being monitored, maintained, and secured properly is crucial. If your request is denied or not satisfied, finding a new service that can provide transparent services should be considered. Protecting your patient's information is of utmost importance and ensuring that your IT service is doing everything possible to achieve that goal is critical.

Interested in having your systems checked? Sign up for an IT wellness checkup here: https://jcit.tech/i-t-wellness-checkup

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